Scientific name    :Daucus carote var, sativus
Common name    : Carrot
Family            : Apiaceae

It is fleshy, thick, orange in color root vegetable with green feathery leaves. The carotene content is responsible for its orange color. It is fat-soluble, with crunchy texture and sweet taste.

  • It has strong antioxidant properties. It has the highest vitamin A (beta and alpha carotene), glutathione and phytochemical contents.
  • Very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, K and potassium.
  • Good source of vitamin B complexes B1, B3, B6, B7, B9 and minerals like magnesium, manganese, molybdenum and phosphorus.
  • Also contains the following nutrients: Carbohydrates, protein, essential oil, sulfur compounds, vitamins B2, E and minerals like calcium, copper, iron, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc.
  • Anti tumor or anti-cancer properties. It prevents and reduces the risk for cancer cell growth and proliferation (larynx, esophagus, breast, lung, colon, bladder, cervix and prostate) due to lignin, carotenoids, falcarinol and other antioxidant components.
  • Cardiovascular protection. It reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke due to high beta-carotene content. It lowers blood LDL "bad" cholesterol level and high blood pressure.
  • Reduces and regulates blood sugar level.
  • Lung protection. It prevents inflammation and improves lung function.
  • Digestive support. It aids in digestion and reduces the risk of developing colon cancer due to its high fiber content.
  • Strengthen kidney functions.
  • It has diuretic property.
  • Eye care. Reduces the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataract and night blindness.
  • Central nervous system protection. Reduces the risk of developing neurodegenarative diseases like alzheimer's disease. It also relieves insomia.
  • Skin care. It promotes healthy skin, hair and nails due to high beta carotene level.
  • Hormonal support. It increases breast milk production, Increases menstrual flow, and improves impotence and sexual dysfunction.
  • Anti-inflammatory property.
  • Anti bacterial activity.
  • Bone protection. It maintains healthy and strong bones. 

CARROT is one of the active Ingredients of C24/7 and COMPLETE PHYTO-ENERGIZER.  The complete food supplement in the market today.

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